Red Storm Signal No.9000 + Gunpla Cereal Bowl

I’m back? Well, I don’t think I can be as active as before, but I’m definitely back. Actually, I already started finishing my MG Destiny Impulse R and I’m about to. I can commit a lot of more time once I get to move. Yes, I’m moving from my parent’s to our condo unit. I’ll be alone so more time to do Gunpla without worrying. It’s also a good opportunity to learn life outside of your comfort zone, I’ll make it my new comfort zone.

I just noticed that I haven’t done a review for my MG Nu ver Ka, damn it! Who knew? Well, if I still have the pics at home, then I can do that. Will be doing those two actively, while Im doing my MG V-dash ver Ka during weekdays because I can’t really paint during those days. I’m very excited in doing that kit because it’s sooo gorgeous that I’m willing to misspell “so” just to emphasize my love for that kit. Still wishing MG V2 AB ver Ka this December :3

Anyway, I’ve made this post as an update, though I doubt that anyone actually watches out my blog. But if ever there are, I really appreciate it. I will be doing another LWM series and probably update some of tuts. Planning to do a in-depth pages about things. I’m excited about that! Basically, when you enter to college, you have a flowchart of subjects. So for all my tuts, I’ll refer you to some pages that has in-depth info that is needed in order for you to do the said technique. Pre-requisites for short, rang a bell? I have so many plans so I hope I’ll be able to pull this one of. Also, will try to do vids, but I’m not sure of that yet.

Now for the incoming Gunpla news, it’s RED and HOT. Very fitting for my blog’s theme and the season in my country. All the major releases are RED! I won’t be getting the RG one though. I’ll only mention the ones that caught my eye and here the ff:

MG 1/100 Red Warrior

This is the best news for me since it’s MG and it’s red. Another thing is that it doesn’t use the armor or it lacks the RG details that the 3.0 has. So basically, this uses 2.0 frame. It won’t make sense if it uses 3.0 frame then have simplified armor ain’t it? Anyway, regardless of the innerframe they’ll use, what’s more important for me is that they are sticking with simplistic look. Though I’d still buy it, I always prefer the simpler look of the 2.0s.

Even though this news is something I like very much, it seems an odd choice for me. I get it, it’s something they can produce easily given the number of RX-78-2 they have already released, but I don’t think this kit is something that anyone anticipates or has hype. But definitely not bad too. I’m anticipating MG Try/Build Burning TBH. The G-Self, though good looking and everyone’s expecting that, I don’t think we’ll get its MG anytime soon. I’ll be surprised though if it gets released before Burning.

RG 1/144 Red Frame

This beauty! Every model that Red Frame has is always good! The PG is good, the MG’s sick, and now the RG? What’s also good is that the inner frame is molded in different colors. Well, I like that, but that’s a bad news for painters since they have to mask even more. However, don’t think it’s something Bandai can avoid. Red Frame really has to go with this approach.

This release opens up for even more Astray Frames, looking at you Blue Frame. That’s pretty much given, IMO. But the question is, are they gonna release Green, Gold and others as well? If it’s undergated then it’s safe to speculate that Gold Frame will become an exclusive release or even regular if they want. But I hope it doesn’t go down the drain like MG Red and Blue Frame being both undergated but we didn’t get Gold Frame :3

SD EX-Standard Line

This is definitely a split line amongst SD kits. I’d like to treat them as RGfied SDs. Remember converge figs? These babies looks just like them and now in snapbuilt version. Definitely something that SD fans can look up to. It’s interesting to know if they’ll be having better color separation or still sticker reliant ones.

Some older news…

MG 1/100 Fin Funnel Effect Set (For MG Sazabi and RE/100 Nightingale)

I will buy this definitely since I’m gonna buy both, someday. It’s cool on how many pieces we’ll be getting out of this instead of just single effect part per funnel.

MG 1/100 Geara Doga Full Frontal Custom

I’ve really been holding out on this, but I think I’ll be getting this one. It’s cool, very cool indeed. But for someone who’s got an AB, don’t you think this one’s a waste? Perhaps, but I’m planning to recast the rifle, which is unique to this kit, then produce some for my REAL friends if they want. It’s red and I really like Geara Doga from the moment I saw it. It’s a grunt suit but it has an effing LED lights, man!

Looks like the drought for non-P-Bandai MG release is about to stop, hooray!


Gunpla Cereal Bowl Part 13: RE (Updated)

You might be wondering why the title is RE, in a bit, I’ll explain it to you why.

The 53rd Shizuoka Hobby Show 2014 have brought us many announced kits. Some of them are expected and some aren’t, a total surprise. But nevertheless, it gives us a lot of info. The list goes here (cr: GundamGuy)

MG 1/100 Hi-Nu Gundam Ver. Ka

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(GCB: Part 12) Gundam Build Fighters, The Reaction

This has got to be the most anticipated announcement that most Gundam fans has been waiting for. The excitement for a new series, to make-up for what Gundam Age has done (but that’s debatable of course), has builded-up and now, finally, a new series has been announced. I originally intended not to make such post because this post is INTENDED to answer back to people who complain without legit reasons (and this is of course debatable again).

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(Edited) Gunpla Cereal Bowl 11: RG vs MG

I would like to point out, RGs and MGs shouldn’t be compared in the first place. Why? Because they are different. MGs, by default, are model kits in 1/100 scale that has inner frame. That’s the basic meaning of it, however, they have evolved through years and they were basically better versions of their anime counterpart. Well, some are anime accurate *looks at MG RX-78-2 2.0*. Strike Freedom doesn’t have gold inner frame exposed when it deploys its dragoons. Infinite Justice only has a single thrusters at each wing on its backpack, but has two on its MG. Newer Seed MGs aren’t faithful in the anime as well. But at least they are close. There are also a line called ver Ka. It means it was designed by Hajime Katoki. Just Google him. Anyway, his designs are always not anime accurate, that’s for sure. The only designs he made that made in the anime are the MS in Gundam Wing Endless Waltz.

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Gunpla Cereal Bowl Part 10

HG 1/144 Gerbera Tetra

An HG that’s long overdue. UC fans are rejoicing. I’m quite rejoicing because an HG release of this guy gave me hope for an MG version. Looks like Bandai is a bit focusing on Stardust memory releases lately because this will be release in July, same date with RG GP-01 and GP-01 FB. Is it getting a remaster or it already has one?

HG 1/144 Astray Red Frame Flight Pack

The old HG Blue Frame got an updated release which is the HG Astray Blue Frame 2L. Not the Red Frame, the lead, is also getting this treatment. Not a Kai version but a flight pack one. I actually like this version as well. Its pack is gorgeous and it comes with a BCUE head with beam sabers. It’s something unique and shows how the JUNK guild works 😛

This release is giving me a hope of an MG version. Now I’m sounding like nike/suiton.

MG 1/100 Age-2 DB

This was mentioned already but I just want to show you the updated pics. Now it’s colored and we will be getting a beam effect part for its sword on its shoulder. I appreciate it but it could have been better by giving us two versions. One is this and the other is a longer one. I think this version is just fine, but a longer one, as long as in the anime will really look cool.

MG 1/100 Marasai (Unicorn Color Version)

I actually have expected this release, but not this long. The original MG Marasai was released a year ago and most exclusives are released not long after. Sad part is that, this one is just a recolor. But what sets it apart from other exclusive recolors is that this comes with two new weapons. The Hambrabi rifle is awesome and cool, but the whip like grappler sure isn’t. Also, looking at the picture, looks like the Hambrabi rifle is just made up of two pieces, not an MG quality weapon. Of course I do hope that I’m wrong.

Now, for speculation time, since it will come with a Hambrabi beam rifle, will we get an MG Hambrabi as well? I think no and I hope not. I think the HG is good enough.

And now for the biggest announcement so far….

MG 1/100 Geara Doga

These are the grunts in CCA of Neo Zeon and not from the current running Unicorn. Though Geara Dogas also exist in Unicorn, those are sleeves version, having sleeve accents all over. This release isn’t what I expect. Totall unexpected. This made UC fans happy since this could mean something else, VARIATIONS.

For speculations, it’s obvious that we will be getting recolors for this and it’s been a trend lately for Bandai to release recolors as exclusives. A problem for us international gunpla consumers, but definitely not for Bandai and Japanese citizens. Geara Doga has some variations like blue color, sleeve version and I think there are couple of more. Not as much as Zakus though 😛 But, it has cousins as well. Based on the pic, the immediate grunt unit that I have thought of is Marasai. Seems like this was based on it. It also has the lighting gimmick, which is color pink; a very unusual color for a LED unit and is a first for Bandai.  Its cousins that has the possibility of being made to an MG are: Geara Zulu and Jagd Doga. Geara Zulu, I think, it closer to Geara Dogas more than Jagd Doga. If they go to the Geara Zulu route, I wish they make a Geara Zulu Angelo use and for Jagd Doga route, a Quess custom. But I have hopes having both to be made, it’s just that I’m not quite sure if they are going to be exclusives or not.

Where am I at now?

The long overdue HG Sinanju review isn’t quite done yet and I’m sorry for that. But I have finished HG Qan[t] free commish and MG Zeta Karaba, but not their write-ups. Again, I apologize. I’m hoping that I can finish them before May, or during May 1. Then I have plans of doing HG Genoace II, which I actually started already. Quite a good break from MGs I’ve done so far. For June, MG Titus perhaps and for July, MG Double Bullet.

Gunpla Cereal Bowl Part 9

We’ve got some tasty news recently and I want to talk about them. This post will also include my progress on the things I’m supposed to do and is currently doing.

For the news, I’m gonna post only those who caught my eye, as usual.

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Gunpla Cereal Bowl Part 8

There are no exciting news lately because Bandai did announce many MG releases for this year already. So for most of the part, I’ll talk about my plans and where this blog is going towards to.

Let’s proceed with the only Gunpla news first.

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Happy New Year!

From me, cmgaddict, which is actually redblondemean too, but whatever.

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Gunpla Cereal Bowl Part 6

It’s not too long ago since I had a gunpla cereal bowl. This one has to be made and we all know why.

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Gunpla Cereal Bowl Part 5

It’s not that too long since August, even though it’s just one day away till November. So I made this cereal bowl because there are a lot of things that caught my eye but PRICEY!

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